by Seth Grief-Albert

A set is a collection of distinct elements.

Number Sets


A is a subset of B if every element of A is an element of B.

$$ A\sube B $$

If A and B are subsets of each other, they are equal.

$$ A=B\implies A\sube B ,\hspace{.1cm}B\sube A $$

If A is a subset of B but is not equal to B, it is a proper subset.

$$ A\sube B,\hspace{.1cm}A\neq B\\\implies A\sub B $$


The set of all elements in both sets

$$ A\cap B $$

If A union B equal the empty set, they are disjoint.

$$ A\cap B=\empty\\\implies disjoint $$

Empty Set

$$ \empty\neq{\{\empty\}} $$